New member: Fondation Congolaise pour la Recherche Médicale!
We're thrilled to announce our new member: FCRM!
1/8/20251 min read
📣 We're delighted to announce our new member from Congo Republic: Fondation Congolaise pour la Recherche Médicale (FCRM).
🌍 The FCRM is an independent organisation dedicated to excellence in biomedical research in the Republic of Congo and Africa. The FCRM conducts epidemiological and clinical studies and focuses on diseases that are public health problems, in particular malaria, HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis.
❤️In addition to its research activities, the FCRM offers medical services through its Centre de Consultations et Laboratoire d'Analyses Médicales (CCLAM), providing medical and paramedical care at affordable rates.
The FCRM will provide to EcoLife valuable expertise in biomedical research and public health, strengthening joint efforts to improve sustainability aspects in this domains.
👏 Please join us in welcoming Pr. Francine Ntoumi and the FCRM whole team and stay tuned for more announcements in the coming weeks!
🍀 Together, let's build a more innovative and sustainable future for science.
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