New member: Okos Diagnostics
We're thrilled to announce our new member: Okos Diagnostics!
11/12/20241 min read

🎉 We're thrilled to announce our first official member: Okos Diagnostics!
♻️ Okos Diagnostics' vision is clear: make lateral flow testing sustainable and slash the plastic waste associated with this technology.
Some key facts to understand the extent of the problem:
1. UN nation portal shipped 140 million antigen test for Covid alone, during the peak of the pandemic,
2. In Low Middle Income Countries most of the hospital wastes end in landfills, polluting soils with harmful degradation products and microplastics,
3. The cassette alone generates -4g of plastic- for each test (and remember how many tests did you take during COVID?)
This is why Sander and Luis Fernando joined forces and decided to tackle this major problem.
Both are passionate by nature and will put their passions into this venture!
Joining Ecolife was a natural choice for contributing to building a strong network committed to enabling sustainability for the life science industry!
Together, let's build a more innovative and sustainable future for science. 🌱
EcoLife Alliance
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